FM Pipeline/Facilithon Scenario Building Workgroup Member

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Starts: 01-27-2024


The FM Pipeline’s mission is to engage, enlighten and energize the next generation of facility management professionals. One of the key initiatives to help advance that mission is the Facilithon. The Facilithon is a competition designed to introduce high school and technical school students with their advisors to careers in Facility Management. The Facilithon competition tests a student’s ability to thrive in a facility management environment through a 50-question common-sense quiz, a 10-minute FM role play, and the FM Challenge, an emergency scenario that the student has to react to immediately. Students who do well in the Facilithon represent excellent future facility management professionals.

We are interested in building a healthcare-specific facility management scenario and we need your help and expertise. You would participate in a virtual gathering for approximately 45 minutes to update/re-develop an existing scenario, draft a good description, and generate a problem to solve.

To volunteer, complete the online form and select the "Content Creation" option.

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

All levels of experience are welcome

Potential My ASHE Points:



Erin Horng

Nominate Volunteers

Do you know someone who would enjoy this unique opportunity?