Associate Member Value Task Force Chair

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Starts: 05-05-2022



The Associate Member Value Task Force is a group of ASHE Professional Active Members and Associate Members. The task force aims to improve the value of ASHE membership for current and prospective Associate Members. The task force will achieve this by reviewing current member satisfaction data, providing expert guidance and feedback to ASHE staff and, completing specific deliverables.



  • The task force is made of no more than three members, plus a task force chair and vice chair for a total of five members.
  • The task force reports to the Membership Committee.


Task Force Member Terms and Appointment

  • Task force members are expected to serve for a term of two (2) years.
  • The ASHE president appoints new members to the task force to replace the member(s) whose term(s) is/are expiring with a review from the Membership Committee chair and ASHE staff.
  • The vice chair must have served as a task force member for at least one year before they can be promoted to vice chair.
  • Each year, ASHE staff appoints a vice chair who will serve for one year in that role before serving as chair for the following year.
  • Chair service is a two-year commitment with the expectation of the vice chair taking over as chair after serving as vice chair.
  • The maximum time a member can serve is four years (two as a member, one as vice chair, one as chair).


Member Eligibility and Requirements

Membership Committee members must:

  • be ASHE Associate Members.
  • complete all required legal forms (conflict of interest, non-disclosure agreement, etc.) prior to the first meeting


Responsibilities and Deliverables

  • Participate in strategic discussions as needed.
  • Provide strategic direction and input to ASHE staff as needed.
  • Schedule and participate in virtual calls as needed to complete the work of the task force.
  • Specific Deliverables for 2022 include:
    • Complete a thorough review of the most recent ASHE member satisfaction survey with a focus on Associate Members
    • Complete a gap analysis of current member value
    • Identify opportunities to enhance current value and create new value/benefits for associate members

Additional Responsibilities for chair and/or vice chair (if chair is unable)

  • Participate in Membership Committee meetings (virtually or in person) as needed to keep leaders updated on task force activities.
  • With guidance from ASHE staff, develop all virtual meeting agendas.
  • Schedule all virtual meetings of the task force, keep track of all workflow and document meeting notes and decisions.
  • Include designated ASHE staff liaison in all meetings and documentation.

Time Commitment

  • Members are expected to serve on the task force for a minimum of two years.
  • The maximum term for a member to serve on the task force would be four years (two years as a task force member, plus one year as vice chair and one year as chair).
  • Members are expected to participate in virtual calls as needed (at least once/month) for up to 60 minutes each.
  • Members are expected to complete all ‘off line’ work as assigned by members, staff and/or chair (up to 3 hours/month)
  • Chair or Vice chair are expected to participate in Membership Committee Meetings (virtually or in person) as needed.

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

All levels of experience are welcome

Potential My ASHE Points:



Tina Morton